Every Friday, Lisa Jo Baker hosts a blog link up called Five Minute Fridays (FMF). She provides a word prompt and then participants are to set their timers for five minutes and write until the timer goes off. I am so thankful that I found Five Minute Fridays! FMF gives me an opportunity to just “freestyle”! Many of you have told me that you really enjoy reading the FMF posts! The word for today is LOOK. Happy Friday Divas and here goes:
Each week, I get the grand opportunity to step out onto my physical and spiritual platform of a stage and lead a sea of beautiful women each week in class. I LOOK out into each of your eyes and just melt. When the music is on, you sing along and move with out a care in the world.
When new Divas come to class, I hear some of you telling the newbies… “Just LOOK at her (meaning me) and you will be fine”. What an amazing place God has placed me!
It is fun to LOOK up at the beginning of class and see y’all hugging and laughing. I think the best part of it all is at the beginning of class when we get a neighbor and LOOK her in the eye and say: “NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY, YOU CANNOT LOOK LIKE ME”.
There are NO comparisons in class, wish we could be like that in real life.
God has designed each of us to LOOK differently. We all have something wonderful to give to the world.
My favorite line from the movie Avatar is “I See You”.
Sometimes we get so busy LOOKing that we don’t see.
God sees you and He loves you.
Don’t forget to wear PINK tomorrow for class! We will be dancing “princess style” in honor of Addison Simmons tomorrow! See the details HERE. Also don’t forget to come on out to bible study with us tomorrow… Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst!
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