Hello Divas! We are progressing quite well through our Let. It. Go. Bible Study. During our time together last week, we watched the video teaching from Karen Ehman and had a great discussion of the Proverbs 31 Woman. When I say great discussion, I mean it. We laughed, cried, and had so much fun together growing closer to The Lord.
Today, I am linking up with Melissa Taylor’s online bible study of the book Let.It.Go! Melissa provided several blog post prompts for what we are currently studying. Here is the one I chose:
Domestic Diva. Not everyone feels very domestic when it comes to keeping our home in order but our reflection verse reminds us that we don’t do everything. Instead, we take charge of managing our home. How does this verse change your perspective of joyfully taking care of the home front? She watches over the activities of her household ~ Proverbs 31:27 HCSB
One of the questions from the Let.IT.Go. study guide asked each cluster group to come up with a first name for the “Proverbs 31” woman. We had a blast with this. One group named her She-ra and another named her Wonder Woman. I think the all around favorite was Enjoli.
I soooooooo remember the Enjoli Perfume commercials from the eighties. The Enjoli lady, brought home the bacon, fried up in a pan, and never let her husband forget he was a man. She was the twenty-four hour woman. The Enjoli woman did it all seemingly better and faster simply because she was a WOMAN. (I am sure splashing her self with Enjoli perfume gave her superpowers! LOL!)
If you cannot see the video click HERE
At first glance, Ms. Enjoli and the Proverbs 31 woman look very similar. However, there is one MAJOR difference: The Proverbs 31 Woman was a Domestic Diva but unlike Mrs. Enjoli, she did NOT do everything herself! Scriptures teach us that the Proverbs 31 Woman had servants (verse 31:15).
Plop, plop, fizz, fizz oh what a relief is it to know that the woman most people look to as the standard for how women should be did not do it all ALONE! The Proverbs 31 woman was a true manager. She put plans and routines in place and then delegated the tasks that did not absolutely require HER to do them.
On page 118 Karen said something so profound I had to close the book and walk away: Often, we become flustered with our families and want them to “get with the program!” while the crux of the quandary is that there is no program in place to get with except for the expectations in our own heads!” OUCH!!!
Studying Proverbs 31:27 (She watches over the activities of her household), helps to change my perspective from being a martyr who has a lot of expectations of her family that are NOT clearly communicated so she yells out of frustration– to a COO (Chief Operating Officer).
A good COO does not attempt to do everything. The things that someone else can do, an effective COO allows other people to do them AND clearly communicates what is expected. Not only does an effective COO allow others to complete tasks, they are open to different ways to get things done and they do NOT micromanage.
Let It Go and move from martyr to COO!
Homework: Read chapters 5-6 and complete the “Between Sessions” in the Study Guide.
Are you in the Kernersville, NC area? If so, join us for class or bible study! Check out our calendar HERE.
Thank you for posting this, I loved the analogy of the COO!