Every Friday, Lisa Jo Baker hosts a blog link up called Five Minute Fridays. She provides a word prompt and then participants are to set their timers for five minutes and write until the timer goes off. The word for today is AFTER.
Happy Friday Divas and here goes:
It was 37 degrees here yesterday:( I had remind myself that it really is spring. Along with the cold weather, it hailed, snowed and rained all day. As my ladies (the “Divas”) began to arrive to class, it warmed my heart to know our class is viewed as important enough to endure harsh weather. Yes, AFTER yesterday’s weather, the divas can tell their friends tall tales about walking to class uphill in the snow—both ways. (LOL!)
Once class started, we forgot all about the weather. Perhaps it was our abs done in a big circle, the dance battle, or our cool down worship song.
When you are really engaged and intentional about doing something, external circumstances do not affect you until, AFTER. However, when we are discontented and focused on all that is wrong, external circumstances are downright debilitating—now, later, and AFTER. It is hard to keep putting one foot in front of the other in faith “right now” because we often don’t see God’s handiwork until…AFTER.
If we take the time to look back, we realize God has brought us through so many things. Each valley experience had an eventual peak…AFTER. We just have to remember…AFTER. Trouble don’t last always.
Rebekah says
Love the last paragraph especially – amen to that. Thanks be to the Lord for what He brings us through. And what a great way to make it relatable and relative!
Amy P Boyd says
It is so hard to think about the after when you are in the before isn’t it. I love that when I do make myself go to my Zumba classes for that hour, at least, all cares and worries fade away.
AlyssaZ says
Hello! Love this: “Trouble doesn’t always last”. If only we can remember to remember this in the moment! I’m visiting from FMF but will be checking the place out. Your class sounds so much fun!