Hola Divas! Welcome back to our Crash the Chatterbox Bible Study! If you are just joining us…GREAT! Here are the deets:
1. We are in the middle of an awesome Bible Study by Pastor Steven Furtick called Crash the Chatterbox.
2. The chatterbox is the voice in our heads that utters lies. Lies unfortunately we believe. The chatterbox can be non-stop, intimidating, insinuating, irritating and tiring.
3. The thoughts we think become actions and emotions.
During each session of this study, we review a tactic the chatterbox uses against us and a strategy to CRASH the chatterbox. Last week, we focused on fear.
In case you haven’t noticed, Chatterbox says things that evoke a sense of fear in us….fear of things within our control and those outside of our control.
The chatterbox uses fear to bully us into cowering and giving up or becoming irrational and making drastic decisions.
What the chatterbox is essentially trying to get us to believe is the future is full of danger and sorrow.
To overpower our fear, …to CRASH the chatterbox…we must learn to say OUTLOUD what God WILL do.
Be the cornerstone of our lives. (Ephesians 2:19-22)
Protect us. ( 2 Thessalonians 3:3)
Restore our joy. ( John 10:10)
Give us peace that surpasses understanding. (Philippians 4:6-7)
Put us back together. (1 Peter 5:10)
Open our eyes to new opportunities. (Psalm 119:18)
We can never tune out ALL the chatter—the lies in our minds—but we can learn to tune IN to God’s voice.
The chatterbox says the future is dim, lonely, horrible, but God WILL preserve and protect us.
Pastor Furtick reminded us: “We will never hear God’s voice above all the others if we are tuned into the frequencies of fear”.
Watch the week 3 recap and learn to “fix your focus” to hear God’s voice above all others!
Read chapters 8-10 of the Crash the Chatterbox book to be ready for our next session.
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