Every Friday, Lisa Jo Baker hosts a blog link up called Five Minute Fridays (FMF). She provides a word prompt and then participants are to set their timers for five minutes and write until the timer goes off. I am so thankful that I found Five Minute Fridays! FMF gives me an opportunity to just “freestyle”! Many of you have told me that you really enjoy reading the FMF posts! The word for today is ROOTS. Happy Friday Divas and here goes:
Most often when we think about our ROOTS, we think of our family or where we are from. Now when I think about ROOTS, it is time to do something about these wiry gray hairs! Sometimes we think of relationships in terms of what they are ROOTed in: love, respect, service, or familiarity.
There is an old quote that says: “Storms make oaks take ROOTS“. Wow, how true. It really is the storms in our lives that push us to take ROOT and learn to yield control of our lives to God. As with the victims of Hurricane Sandy, sometimes our ROOTS are physically and emotionally torn apart.
From the prayers put in our prayer box each week, many Divas are going through all kinds of storms (awesome things like pregnancy to very challenging things like cancer and death). With all that is going on, one would think it would be easier NOT to try to fit class into your schedule.
However, as WE dance together, we encourage each other. After class we hug each other and wish each other well and in doing so, we add a little fertilizer to each Diva’s ROOTS.
We leave refreshed and with a reminder that our God is not Dead but surely alive living on the inside of us roaring like a Lion! Talk about DEEP ROOTS!
Join us tomorrow Saturday November 3, 2012 8:30am for our Unglued Bible Study!
Stay for class and Enjoy Soulful Saturday 9:30am-11:00am
bethanie says
I love how you included Hurricane Sandy in this – so true! Have a blessed weekend!
katina says
You have a blessed week as well! Thank you so much for commenting!
denise says
Sweet blessings to you.