Every Friday, Lisa Jo Baker hosts a blog link up called Five Minute Fridays. She provides a word prompt and then participants are to set their timers for five minutes and write until the timer goes off. The word for today is JUMP.
Happy Friday Divas and here goes:
I am REALLY picky about the music that I use in my fitness classes. I am a firm believer that music is at least 70% of the class experience. Perhaps that is why I have the “30 second rule”. When I am reviewing music for consideration to be added to my playlist, I listen to the song for 30 seconds. If the song doesn’t immediately make me want to JUMP up and dance….I probably will not use the song.
With all of the wonderful technological advances of our current age, we have become a culture of “30 second rulers”. If things don’t happen immediately or on our time line, we JUMP into action. JUMPing into action usually means: manipulating, strategizing, negotiating, and throwing a hissy-fit if necessary to get what we want.
Using the “30 second rule” to select music works most of the time. However, I have missed a couple of really good songs because I didn’t listen long enough. I JUMPed to the conclusion that the song was not good because of the beginning.
God is not subject to our time line. He does not JUMP to the beat of our music. We must dance to His.
Job 8:7 (NLT)
And though you started with little, you will end with much.
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