It’s Friday y’all! Whoo hoo! Every Friday, Lisa Jo Baker hosts a blog link up called Five Minute Fridays (FMF). She provides a word prompt and then participants are to set their timers for five minutes and write until the timer goes off. If you have NEVER read our FMF posts, I urge you to read past posts. Today’s word is Listen.
At the beginning of every class, I go over the “rules of the road”: drink plenty of water, don’t worry about looking like anyone else and most of all “LISTEN to your body”. After telling everyone to LISTEN to their body, I usually ask the following question to the rainbow of women staring back at me: “If I do something and it hurts YOU, what do you do?”. In what sounds like trance-like voices, the ladies in class respond…”Don’t Do It”.
LISTENing to your body and not doing things that hurt are wise actions when participating in ANY physical fitness program. However, they are even more important in a dance program like ours where there several movements that may need to be modified for ladies with back, hip or knee problems.
What about life in general? Can we apply the simple yet challenging principles of “LISTEN to your body” and “if-it-hurts-don’t-do-it” to our day to day lives?
But when we find ourselves at ground zero and we have to walk through a battle zone of illness, a crazy schedule, caring for a loved one, loneliness, un-nerving co-workers, children acting a fool……we need to get quiet and LISTEN to God.
Getting quiet so that we can activate our senses to hear God and see His handiwork in our situation is easier said than done. LISTENing to God requires a great deal of intentionality.
Being intentional to LISTEN is difficult for me because my schedule screams at me like a ambulance siren. This weekend, I cleared my schedule and I am determined to just BE! (Y’all pray for me)
How can you begin to become more intentional so that you truly LISTEN?
Isaiah 55:3-5
“Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will find life. I will make an everlasting covenant with you.
I will give you all the unfailing love I promised to David.”
Kita says
Listening is the key to getting what needs to be done done. We must listen or we may miss even the smallest of things. The more we listen the more we hear. Great post stopping by from Sharefest.
Katina says
Yes we must listen or we will miss things! Distractions keep us from listening sometimes!
Katina says
Radical self care..,.,,I love that! Might have to steal that term;)