Every Friday, Lisa Jo Baker hosts a blog link up called Five Minute Fridays. She provides a word prompt and then participants are to set their timers for five minutes and write until the timer goes off. The word for today is Truth. Happy Friday Divas and here goes:
One of the things I really have to be intentional about immersing myself in is TRUTH.
TRUTH gives perspective.
What do I really want to do over the Holidays?
Do I really have the time or energy to do this or that?
Am I enjoying my food or just eating because it is available?
Did she really SAY that or am I reading her body language and filling in the gaps? (OUCH)
Seeing things through the lens of perspective brought on by TRUTH allows us to “get real”. When we “get real”, we recognize just how blessed we are. Each of us, no matter what our situations are, have reasons to be thankful.
Just before we cooled down in class last night, I asked each lady in class to think of at least one thing she is/was thankful for.
Just as we were leaving, a lady came up to me and said, “I’m thankful for our dance”.
Me too.
Satan has been really trying to discourage me about my dance platform. “You will NEVER be able to leave your job and do this full-time”, “The economy is bad, people will stop coming to class”, “There are new classes available in your area…all of your people will go over there”.
That all may be true but the TRUTH is, I am thankful for my dance and the platform that God has provided me regardless of being able to do it full-time or even without a room full of people.
Are you thankful for your life-dance?

The lady in photo above, Deborah Cohan, decided her TRUTH was that she was THANKFUL and blessed in spite of being just moments before having a double mastectomy. Just before surgery, she and her medical team had a dance-festival in the operating room!
It gets even better…she danced to Beyoncé’s Get Me Bodied...one of my favorite songs that we do in class. She used the extended version remix so y’all know this is coming soon!
Click here to see the video.
Deb is quoted as saying: “Nothing brings me greater joy than catalyzing others to dance, move, be in their bodies”
Me too Deb…Me too.
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Philippians 4:4-5
What is your TRUTH this morning?
PS-I dare you to dance all the way to your destinations today!
That was fabulous! I’ve been waiting to see if TRUTH would ever be chosen as the Friday word. That word has been my code word for reality checking since we read “Unglued” last year, and I have tried to make a point of asking myself (and others) if I am dealing with the truth when making a judgment calls. Also LOVED the joy in the video…again, it brings perspective to my life to see someone dance with so much pleasure at a time like that. AWESOME feeling to share with everyone, even strangers on the internet!! I’m so glad that we get to have that feeling in our class, too, even if it looks like we’re some crazy acting women…thank you, Katina!!!
I am thinking about gratitude a lot lately and I agree that one of the best ways to shut the devil up is by giving thanks. Am grateful that finally am doing something I enjoy and getting paid for it. love your post Katina
I’m so glad that you can live your passion–that’s where God wants us! I think I come from a race of dance-challenged people, but seeing others dance makes me happy!