Hola Divas! Welcome back to our “online discussion” of our newest Bible Study….The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst. If you missed our first discussion read it HERE.
Earlier this week, we talked about how we get to our “BEST YES”.
Our best yes is us playing our part at work, church, home…wherever we are.
We learn/discern /decide/determine our best yes from asking God. When we do, He will answer us:
Isaiah 30:22 (NIV)
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Asking and then getting our answer sounds sooooo easy, almost too easy. Is that why we don’t ask more often?
Worrying, filling up our schedules, doing it ’cause we have a free moment, or because we don’t want to let someone down seem to be our methods of operation.
Our methods seem logical at the time but they are INEFFECTIVE.
Lysa said it amazingly on page 3 of The Best Yes book: “I’m tired. I’m distracted. I’m disappointed in myself. I feel slightly used and more than slightly used up. I’m a little overwhelmed and a lot worn down.”
Do you ever feel like this?
Lysa used a Biblical example that shows just how futile our methods are yet provides a process to achieve our Best Yes!
Isaiah 30:15 NIV–This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.”
So the first step towards finding our “Best Yes” is to: ____________DOWN…rest, be quiet, trust. {SLOW}
But what do we often do?
Isaiah 30:16 AMP—And you said, No! We will speed (on our own course) on horses….
Yep we Speed up…we fill up our schedules and our children’s schedules. We become so busy that we cannot hear God or even if we hear Him, we are too busy to do what He asks:(
What is the Lord’s demeanor while we hurry and scurry about?
Isaiah 30:18 MSG-But God is not finished. He’s waiting around to be gracious to you…..
Isaiah 30:18 NLT-So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God….
WOW, The Lord is gracious and shows us compassion even when we jack up our schedules and get on the plane to Crazy Town. All we have to do is turn our daily decisions over to Him.
When we turn our decisions over to Him…we are blessed and arrive at our BEST YES!
Isaiah 30:18b NLT….Blessed are those who wait for his help.
Dear Lord, forgive me for jumping into my day and committing myself to things before asking YOU. You know exactly what is my “best yes” for every moment. Help me remember to pause and seek your counsel so that I can play the part you specifically designed for me….. wherever I am.
Read through chapter 6 to be ready for our next discussion:
Live–Saturday September 20, 2014 8:30am Kernersville Parks and Recreation Center
Online: Tuesday September 23, 2014 (right here on the blog!)
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