Happy Friday Divas! A few years ago, Five Minute Friday was a weekly post for our blog. I’m so happy God saw fit for it to come back!
What is Five Minute Friday? Glad you asked. Each week, Christian writers from all over the world write for five minutes on the same word and place a link to their posts on the Five Minute Friday Blog. Today’s word is ROUTINE.
As a fitness professional, talking about routine is well…routine. Although we all want to roll our eyes when some one mentions making healthy choices and exercising regularly, we know it is for the best.
The thing about routine most people don’t talk about is before things actually become routine….you have to do things without the motivation to get started. In addition, in our “I want it now society”, routine is less desirable than pills, surgery or a quick get-slim diet because routine does not provide immediate results.
Routine is the best path but is not the easiest or shortest.
We can all plainly see healthy routines are helpful (whether we actually do anything or not) in terms of our physical bodies.
Our vision becomes hazy with how the routine of our perspective affects who we are on the inside.
Do we have a routine of seeing all the things going right versus the few that are not to our preference?
Do we have a routine of finding the lesson in trying times?
Do we have a routine of being thankful in the face of NOT GETTING WHAT WE WANTED?
De we have a routine of not getting easily offended?
Do we have a routine of offering forgiveness?
Do we have a routine of praise?
Do we have a routine of prayer?
“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” – John C Maxwell
What do you need to make a part of your life routine?
All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. 1 Corinthians 9:25
Sharon Banks says
You are always right on time with what you say. You inspire my soul sweet lady! Have a fabulous Friday!
katina says
Thank you Sharon!
Myriah Sochurek says
I love the quote at the end that I won’t change my life till I change something daily! Isn’t that the truth…routine and working at the routine without giving up…also sometimes we will fall out of routine, but we must give ourselves grace and get back up and back into the routine to keep going!
katina says
Yes grace!
Dee Bell says
Great words to live by. 👍🏽😃
Lisa Brittain says
I love your questions! There are so many good and healthy choices to choose as a part of our routine. Thank you for the ponders…
I enjoyed my visit from #16 at FMF linkup
Lauren Sparks says
Perfect! I wrote about fitness routines too:http://laurensparks.net/2018/03/what-weight-lifting-and-carpool-have-in-common/ Visiting you from FMF.