Every Friday, Lisa Jo Baker hosts a blog link up called Five Minute Fridays (FMF). She provides a word prompt and then participants are to set their timers for five minutes and write until the timer goes off. I am so thankful that I found Five Minute Fridays! FMF gives me an opportunity to just “freestyle”! Many of you have told me that you really enjoy reading the FMF posts! The word for today is VOICE. Happy Friday Divas and here goes:
The VOICE is one to those things we rarely think about. Our VOICE is one of the ways we use to communicate, to speak our mind, to make our requests known. For all of the divas from the south out there, it is our VOICE with our southern drawl that let’s everyone know that we are country girls!
I have found that our fitness classes have provided a VOICE for many women. Ladies come to class with the weight of the world and they squat, punch, and salsa all over their problems. If only for a moment, they are able to step away from “the drama”.
Some people have one of “those VOICES”; the kind that you recognize without seeing them. Yet others have VOICEs so soft that we have to listen really intently to hear them. For me, God’s VOICE is often like that. When my life gets busy and the to-do list gets longer, I find it hard to hear Him.
In class, we always cool down with a song of worship. One of my favorites is Laura Cooksey’s song, REST. Based on Matthew 11:28, the song reminds us to go to God with our burdens. Last night when we cooled down to REST, it was amazing to watch you all worship our great GOD. I glanced over and saw one lady with her arms stretched to the Lord, her eyes were closed and her head was tilted back… right then I felt God’s VOICE remind me that HE is in control.
Don’t forget to join us tomorrow for a FREE Class (Mix of Devoted Fitness and ZUMBA)
Laura @ Pruning Princesses says
Can I come to class? A class with worship of the one true God sounds perfect. If only Michigan wasn’t so far away! I imagine you have opportunity to pray for many hurting souls. Praying for you today since our paths crossed.
katina says
Please come to class!!! We would love to have you!